>> I've hit a bug that won't let me start an xfce4 session.  I think it
>> was caused by upgrading glibc, and it is pretty well described in this
>> nearly 4-year-old bug:
>> http://bugs.gentoo.org/125909
>> The solution is presented as:
>> qlist -o $(qlist -ICv) | scanelf -Bs__guard -qf -  -F%F#s | xargs qfile
>> but I get:
>> qlist: invalid option -- 'l'
>> qlist: invalid option -- '['
>> Removing the -l fixes the first invalid option, but I don't know how
>> to fix the second.  Does anyone know how to rewrite this command so it
>> will work?
> I can't see how you can get those errors, unless you have a broken qlist that
> is outputing something dodgy from the "qlist -ICv"
> If it persists, copy-paste your input and the output from your terminal into a
> mail. Or run
> qlist -o $(qlist -ICv) | less
> and examine that closely for errors

I was making a transcription error before, but after correcting it, it
still doesn't work:

# qlist -o $(qlist -ICv) | scanelf -Bs__guard -qf -  -F%F#s | xargs qfile
Usage: qfile <opts> <filename> : list all pkgs owning files

Options: -[ef:m:oRx:vqChV]
  -e, --exact          * Exact match
  -f, --from     <arg> * Read arguments from file <arg> ("-" for stdin)
  -m, --max-args <arg> * Treat from file arguments by groups of <arg>
(defaults to 5000)
  -o, --orphans        * List orphan files
  -R, --root-prefix    * Assume arguments are already prefixed by $ROOT
  -x, --exclude  <arg> * Don't look in package <arg>
  -v, --verbose        * Make a lot of noise
  -q, --quiet          * Tighter output; suppress warnings
  -C, --nocolor        * Don't output color
  -h, --help           * Print this help and exit
  -V, --version        * Print version and exit

Does anyone know what might be wrong?

- Grant

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