On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 12:34:06PM -0500, Penguin Lover Willie Wong squawked:
> Oops, I just remembered that I can just look on my other gentoo server
> to find where gl is.... and this brings up a new problem!
> gl.pc is located in /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gl.pc
> equery belongs tells me that it belongs to mesa. 
> BUT, xorg-server- has mesa as a PDEPEND, and mesa-7.7 has
> xorg-server as a RDEPEND, which is included in DEPEND, so how the heck
> am I supposed to get X working on my laptop?

Not my day. Keep forgetting to try the obvious solution. 
Must have had too much boxing day cheers lastnight. 

Not surprisingly, I was not the only one to notice the circular
dependency. The maintainers have already reverted the change that
resulted in the circle by the time I ran into the problems. I just
needed to re-sync. 


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