'Sup Gentoo?
I'm working on a daily cron job to email me daily. It happens to be
details of new shows available for download on the BBC's iPlayer
website. OMG! get_iplayer rocks!
If I have the following in my crontab:
0 8 * * * /usr/local/bin/get_iplayer -z "Daily Summary" 2>&1 | grep -v
Then the email's subject is ugly.
A bit of Googling [1] shows me that:
0 8 * * * /usr/local/bin/get_iplayer -z "Daily Summary" 2>&1 | grep -v
^Added | mailx -s "iPlayer Daily Summary" stroller
which gives a neater subject line.
However the "from: " address is strol...@host.long.domain, which I
feel is a little untidy.
It's probably OCD of me to care, but I would prefer the mails to
appear in my mail client as from "iPlayer".
Can anyone suggest a better solution than writing a wrapper script as
described at:
This is a great answer, but it means I have extra wrapper scripts
cluttering up my system, and since I will probably want multiple
summaries (say weekly reports of "drama" and "comedy" categories,
delivered on different days) it would mean I need either multiple
wrapper scripts, or a single much more complicated one.
I am probably making my life complicated just for the pernicketyness
of it, but any suggestions gratefully received.