----- Original Message ----
From: Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com>
> On Wednesday 02 December 2009 20:52:35 BRM wrote:
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com>
> > > 2009/12/2 BRM <bm_witn...@yahoo.com>:
> > > - which makes me ask:
> > > What is your exact error message?
> > I'll post that tonight.
Exact error message was:
ERROR 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format
Well, I mounted the drive again - and didn't go into the chroot shell.
I had been doing all the copying from within the chroot before.
I found the arch/i386/boot/bzImage, which does just point to
I had copied arch/x86/boot/bzImage but for whatever reason the md5 hashes of
the image
and what I had copied didn't match. So I copied it, rebooted, and viola it
Odd...not sure what was up with it; but it's working. Now to update the
----- Original Message ----
From: Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com>
> Oh, don't forget to mount /boot too. Very common thing to for
True; however I don't setup /boot that way unless I absolutely have to - namely
for older systems that couldn't access the whole hard drive until after the
kernel was loaded, or some other explicit reason. I haven't had a system like
that in a long time. And it wasn't needed on this system.