On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:59:22AM -0500, Penguin Lover Albert Hopkins squawked:
> Could you change your locale so that we can see the error messages
> in English?

In addition, please also include a few more lines of the failed
compile. Right now the command that is generating the error is not
shown in its entirety. 

The OP wrote:

> > And the emerge fails with this:
> > 
> > -DGTHUMB_GLADEDIR=\""/usr/share/gthumb/glade"\"    -O3 -march=pentium-m
> > -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -MT totem-scrsaver.o -MD -MP -MF
> > .deps/totem-scrsaver.Tpo -c -o totem-scrsaver.o totem-scrsaver.c
> > totem-scrsaver.c:30:34: erreur: X11/extensions/XTest.h : Aucun fichier
> > ou dossier de ce type

The relevant error says: "No file or folder of this type". It seems
that it cannot find X11/extensions/XTest.h

> > make[3]: *** [totem-scrsaver.o] Erreur 1
> > make[3]: *** Attente des t??ches non termin??es....


"Why does the chicken cross the road?"
Einstein: it's not the chicken crossing the road, it is the road crossing the
Heisenberg: well, if you know it is moving, you can't know where it is; and if
     you know where it is, you can't really know where it's going. Therefore
     you can't know for certain that the chicken is actually crossing the road.
von Neumann: it satisfies the Minimax theorem for worm finding.
Schroedinger: not really. It is in the state of crossing and not crossing at
     the same time. Until you observe it, you can't really be sure.
Pauli: Well, it must be that there's another chicken of the same shape, size, 
     color, taste, smell, etc. on this side of the road...
Newton: an unbalanced force
Bohr: Because it is excited, and because it can't stay on the road...
Feynman: (dum, dum, dong, dum-da, dum, dong)
     Ah... Old MacDonald had a farm... E I E I O....
     And on this farm he has a chicken... E I E I O....
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