On Monday 23 November 2009 00:31:41 Zeerak Waseem wrote:
> > Do you have consolekit in USE?
> > If so, is it configured properly?
> >
> > There's an elog about it, it displays when you emerge the
> > relevant X package
> I do have consolekit as a useflag (default on profile it seems), 
but I'm  
> not sure where to configure it, and what will a working 
>  look   like?

Actually, consolekit is the worng thing (I was confused with other 
mails elsewhere). Your problem is probably hal related. You have 
two options:

- read the masses of info already on the intartubes discoverable 
via Google
- listen to Dale when he invariably chips in about hal.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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