On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 15:55 +0100, SpaceCake wrote:
> yes, but as I told earlier in nm-applet this section is grey, so I
> cannot
> add vpn configs. when I start vpnc with the correct config from root's
> shell, it is working perfectly and connect me to the vpn gw I use, so
> this
> is why I said the problem maybe in the deep somewhere around dbus
> communication, but I'm not sure 

I don't know why these options would be greyed out.  Unless.. do you
actually have the plugins installed?

$ equery l networkmanager*
 * Searching for networkmanager* ...
[IP-] [ ~] net-misc/networkmanager-0.7.1_p20090824 (0)
[IP-] [ ~] net-misc/networkmanager-openvpn-0.7.1-r1 (0)
[IP-] [ ~] net-misc/networkmanager-vpnc-0.7.1 (0)

Does it even show up in nm-connection-editor?

AFAIK the UI just uses these plugins to create a vpn configuration. This
is long before actually talking to the nm daemon.  So the UI just
creates a config and stores it (in GNOME the non-system configs are
stored in gconf at /system/networking/connections.  Then when you want
to connect, the UI grabs whatever config and passes it to the nm daemon
(via dbus?).  Your issue seems to be with the first part of this process
(the UI), not the second.


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