On Tuesday 17 November 2009 17.06.45 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> Yes, I have read this in
> /var/portage/sys-libs/glibc/files/eblits/pkg_setup.eblit
> and I understand the risks.
> if has_version '>'${CATEGORY}/${PF} ; then
>   eerror "Sanity check to keep you from breaking your system:"
>   eerror " Downgrading glibc is not supported and a sure way to
>  destruction" die "aborting to save your system"
> fi
> I want to do it anyway.
> A multitude of apps that used to run just fine now give "free(): invalid
> pointer" errors since I upgraded to glibc-2.11
> A simple downgrade doesn't work - too many apps will not start including
>  bash. Has anyone done this or knows of a howto? I'm happy to rebuild a few
>  critical apps statically if that's what it takes. I'm not happy chasing
>  down half the system to do it :-)


Fixed in upstream so should be fix in Gentoo soon.


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