Alex Schuster wrote:
> Dale writes:
>> Alex Schuster wrote:
>>> I just unmerged device-mapper and updated lvm2 right after that. So
>>> in case of a crash or something during a longer world update I still
>>> have an intact system. I'm not sure if it would boot with the old
>>> lvm2 and without device-mapper, probably yes, but I did not want to
>>> take any risk.
>>> Um, shouldn't the new portage have dealt auto-magically with this
>>> blocker?
>> Here's something more interesting, I don't need or use lvm.
> You do, when you need the device-mapper features. They have been moved 
> into the lvm2 package.
>> I was
>> trying to track it down with equery but I was getting drunk going in
>> circles.
>> I also assume that is why portage can't figure out a way to handle
>> this.  It got drunk too.  After a while a drunk just falls down.  lol
>> Thought about using the -et options with emerge to figure this out.
> I'd just try to emerge lvm2 and see what happens. It's not a big package. 
> Man, I use LVM on all of my systems, I really like it.
>       Wonko

I'm not even sure I need device-mapper.  I may just uninstall all the
stuff and reboot.  I can always chroot in and fix it.  If it runs fine
then I can see what pulled it in and if I can get rid of that as well. 

It's a thought.


:-)  :-) 

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