On Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 11:23:56AM +0100, Penguin Lover Stefan G. Weichinger squawked: > Stefan G. Weichinger schrieb: > > > I still get no output/event for those upper seven keys ... oh my. > > At least I got a cleaned up xorg.conf for now ;-) > > > > It ain't that important although I would like to see them working, it's > > a bit hard to understand that issues like this don't just work as well. > > Just to point that out: I am still interested in a solution if anyone ....
I have an Acer multimedia keyboard. I use xbindkeys to set the actions related to multimedia keys. Below is a snip of my .xbindkeysrc ---------------------rc------------------ "amixer sset Headphone 1-" m:0x0 + c:174 "amixer sset Headphone 1+" m:0x0 + c:176 "amixer sset Headphone toggle" m:0x0 + c:160 "mpc stop" m:0x0 + c:164 "mpc toggle" m:0x0 + c:162 "mpc prev" m:0x0 + c:144 "mpc next" m:0x0 + c:153 "mpc repeat" m:0x4 + c:144 "mpc random" m:0x4 + c:153 "xscreensaver-command -lock" m:0x0 + c:223 "rxvt -T 'Mutt' -e /usr/bin/mutt" m:0x0 + c:236 "/usr/local/bin/crxvt -T 'cMutt' -e /usr/bin/mutt" m:0x4 + c:236 "/usr/local/bin/jrxvt -T 'jMutt' -e /usr/bin/mutt" m:0x8 + c:236 ------------------------------end rc------------------- As you can see, keycodes 174 annd 176 are volumes up and down, 160 is the mute button, 164, 162 are stop and play/pause, 144 and 153 are REW and FF, which I doubled up with meta keys to get other features. 223 is the "screen saver" key. And 236 is the "e-mail" key. I've quite forgotten how I found these keycodes. But some of them are quasi standard (I've seen the codes for volume and music player work on other keyboards, including Dell laptops). On my old laptop I used to use a different solution: I think I mapped the appropriate keycodes to the XF86VolumeUp and similar keys and then mapped those key events using the WM. I can try to dig out the old config if you'd like. HTH, W -- Marten: That's like rule number one of dating-if the lady tells you she wants to wait, you wait. Even if it means you get blueballed so hard your nuts travel into the future due to relativistic effects. Dora: Ah, the Hawking Libido Dilation Effect. Bane of frustrated young men and physicists alike. Sortir en Pantoufles: up 1062 days, 21:17