On Sun, 01 Nov 2009 12:21:32 -0600, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jesús Guerrero wrote:
>> On Fri, 30 Oct 2009 22:34:57 -0500, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Jesús Guerrero wrote:
>>>> kmplayer can get in the middle, can you -please- test regular mplayer
>>>> from
>>>> command line?
>>>> I've had a similar issue a couple of weeks ago, and we were able to
>> track
>>>> it down on the mplayer mailing lists. If it's the same bug, I was
>> to
>>>> consistently reproduce it in streams with ac3 (5.1) audio (stereo
>> worked
>>>> fine), and only when using ALSA. So, check that and see if you can
>> a
>>>> pattern there. If you see that same pattern, then it might be the
>>>> bug,
>>>> it's been fixed in the development branch, and the following ebuilds
>>>> should
>>>> work fine:
>>>> 1.0_rc4_p20091026, 1.0_rc4_p20091026-r1, 9999
>>>> If not, then it's probably something else. But try with mplayer alone
>>>> when
>>>> debugging, since kmplayer just adds another level to worry about. For
>>>> your
>>>> reference, here's the bug I opened, there you can also find links to
>> the
>>>> relevant mails in the mplayer ML.
>>>> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=286020
>>> I can give it a shot at least.  Do I just run mplayer path/to/file or
>>> I need to add some options so that it will provide more info?
>> Sorry for the delay, it's been a busy weekend ;)
>> You can just run "mplayer <file>", if you need to force ALSA (so you
>> check if it's a problem with ALSA as it was my case) you can add -ao
>> alsa,
>> so it would be:
>>   mplayer -ao alsa <filename>
>> Mplayer is usually smart enough to decide what to do without any
>> action on the user's side, however as someone said it's a very complex
>> program that can do almost anything in which regards playing media
>> that's why the man page is such a huge beast. If we manage to identify
>> the
>> bug and reproduce it consistently then that's a huge step towards
>> finding a
>> solution.
>> By the way, what mplayer version are you using?
> This is the emerge info for mplayer and ffmpeg since that is what it is
> using:
> r...@smoker / # emerge -pv mplayer ffmpeg
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> [ebuild   R   ] media-video/ffmpeg-0.5-r1  USE="3dnow 3dnowext X alsa
> encode hardcoded-tables ipv6 jpeg2k mmx mmxext mp3 sdl ssse3 vorbis x264
> xvid zlib (-altivec) -amr -bindist -custom-cflags -debug -dirac -doc
> -faac -faad -gsm -ieee1394 -network -oss -schroedinger -speex -test
> -theora -threads -v4l -v4l2 -vdpau -vhook" VIDEO_CARDS="nvidia" 0 kB
> [ebuild   R   ] media-video/mplayer-1.0_rc2_p20090731  USE="3dnow X aac
> alsa ass cddb cdio dirac dv dvd dvdnav enca encode esd faac faad gif
> iconv ipv6 jpeg live mad mmx mng mp2 mp3 network opengl osdmenu png
> quicktime rar real rtc schroedinger sdl shm speex sse tremor truetype
> unicode vorbis win32codecs x264 xscreensaver xv xvid -3dnowext -a52
> -aalib (-altivec) -bidi -bindist -bl -cdparanoia -cpudetection
> -custom-cflags -custom-cpuopts -debug -dga -directfb -doc -dts -dvb
> -dxr3 -fbcon -ftp -ggi -gmplayer -jack -joystick -ladspa -libcaca -lirc
> -lzo -md5sum -mmxext -nas -openal -oss -pnm -pulseaudio -pvr -radio
> -samba -sse2 -ssse3 -svga -teletext -tga -theora -v4l -v4l2 -vdpau
> -vidix -xanim -xinerama -xvmc -zoran" VIDEO_CARDS="nvidia -mga -s3virge
> -tdfx -vesa" 0 kB
> Total: 2 packages (2 reinstalls), Size of downloads: 0 kB
> r...@smoker / #
> Those version OK?  I am also still using KDE 3.5.  KDE4 is just not
> there yet for me. 

As far as I know that version of mplayer is bugged. I can't guarantee that
your problem is the same one I had, but if I am not mistaken the bug is
present in that release. Please, try 1.0_rc4_p20091026-r1 and see if the
bug goes away. I will open an STABLEREQ bug to speed up the stabilization
of this version, and the masking of older ones. After all, they should be
hard masked or at least patched to fix the bug.

Jesús Guerrero

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