Hello, I have several workstations on kde4, mostly 4.2.4 or 4.2.x.
I'm looking for a clean, easy, unattended method to upgrade about a dozen systems to kde 4.3.x (Or KDE 4 stable only). I'm not sure what the latest stable kde4 version is, or what folks recommend. Since I try to keep the system with the same packages installed, as to not cause me to go crazy. Most are using SETS and the /etc/portage files are a mess and all different. Simplification and consolidation on kde 4 that is stable is my goal. Trying to upgrade causes a painful one step at a time editing of the /etc/portage files. I need to get away from that! Suggestions or documents are most appreciated, even if I have to unmerge all of kde4-hack and reinstall kde4.3(stable). Is this guide the best (and current) to use: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde/kde4-guide.xml#doc_chap2 I'm looking for guidance and wisdom here, to keep my admin time at a minimal on kde4. ideas? James