> Apparently I have bodged the setup somehow on this system.
> Each time I plug in a flash drive, two Nautilus windows open up.  If I plug
> three USB drives in, six windows open.
> Any ideas please, to smooth this minor wrinkle?
Another useful notion is to use udev to automount flash drives (or external
usb harddrives)  to a specified location based on serial number.  I found a
nice overview on the web a few weeks ago, but I didn't bookmark it and just
kept notes of what steps I took.  I can either give an overview or dig up
the url if anyone likes.  It's damn useful and fairly painless.
This is fairly useful for doing backups to external that want the backup
disk at the same mount point, for example.

Now I just need to figure out how to tell KDE not to ask me what to do with
these particular devices that I have udev rules for so I don't need to click
cancel / do nothing every time.


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