OK. Now the latest update.
1) Here's a copy (just a copy, all links are useless) of bug report done
by me.
I was forced to copy that page to hosting because package maintainer
access to users who began to vote for this bug.
| http://www.rootshell.be/~spinal/gentoo_bug_report/286017.html |
2) Here's a link for the patch, that I attached to the patch in my last
http://www.rootshell.be/~spinal/gentoo_bug_report/sudo-resp-vanilla.patch |
3) And now the most interesting. I was banned by maintainer. Now I cannot
access the ticket too.
Access Denied
You are not authorized to access bug #286017.
Please press Back and try again.
I think the maintainer was not aware about the bug report was copied to the
hosting and about my posts in mail-list.
Any ideas?..
Best regards, Spinal