I've added to a number of KDE bugs relating to problems with 4.3.1 . KDE bug 165355 : Konsole doesn't respect the '--geometry' parameter.
KDE bug 190843 (also 194716) : Gwenview has no option to show hidden files. KDE bug 190216 : Gwenview has no option 'rename'; 'move' is inadequate. KDE bug 182361 : Gwenview refuses to display a thumbnail when the extension doesn't match the image type; the problem is in Qt, but still no action from them. KDE bug 196858 : Kmahjongg doesn't show grid of removed tiles. KDE bug 167910 : Ksokoban hasn't been ported to KDE 4 . KDE bug 184088 : 'worldclock' plasmoid doesn't work in Marble. It is suggested this is a Gentoo failure: before I submit a Gentoo bug, does anyone have info ? -- ========================,,============================================ SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatchassdotutorontodotca