On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Simon Hunt<chesemonkyl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I posted this on the forums but I want some more information. I have a
> bit of a dilemma. With these settings,
> xf86-video-intel: 2.6.3-r1 xorg-server: 1.6.2-r1 and 1.6.3 kernel
> module: i830 kernel: gentoo 2.6.29-r5 and 2.6.30-r4
> sometimes when stopping or starting X my computer would freeze and there
> would be no video output. However, other than that, inside Gnome Firefox
> ran pretty smoothly, not incredibly fast, but not sluggishly at all.
> With these settings,
> xf86-video-intel: 2.8.0 xorg-server: 1.6.3 kernel module: i915 kernel:
> vanilla 2.6.31_rc7
> X starts and stops very smoothly without ever freezing, I think because
> of the KMS. But Firefox runs sluggishly and my whole machine freezes in
> Firefox frequently. According to this,
> http://www.x.org/wiki/IntelGraphicsDriver, the 2.8.0 driver drops
> support for XAA and EXA, but has no UXA support for my graphics card
> (865G), so I think I'm getting no 2D acceleration. Could that be the
> reason Firefox is so slow? As for the freezes, I think that's just
> because the newer driver is unstable. What are the optimum driver and
> kernel versions for my graphics card, the 865G? Also, the reason I'm
> using the 2.6.31 kernel is because that X.Org wiki page says it works
> best with the 2.8.0 intel driver. Oh, and what exactly is the kernel
> module for and what are the differences between the i830 and i915?
> Pappy told me I should use kernel .27, and that KMS support right now
> for my card is very unstable. Anyway, I just want to know the best
> options right now for my card which is the 865G.


I have a 865G too, the only combination that works for me with the
i915 intel driver is:

kernel: gentoo-sources-2.6.28
driver: xf86-video-intel: 2.7.1

Anything above that (>=gentoo-sources-2.6.29, >=xf86-video-intel:
2.7.1) fails for my setup with freezes like the ones you describe.

As my box is ~x86, I have installed many versions of xorg-server
without varying  the kernel and driver, and they worked all right.

I am thinking in giving up to using the intel driver in order to user
the latest kernel, with an /etc/X11/xorg.conf using a VESA card
configuration and I have not tested the i830 option.

Hope this helps.


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