Paul Hartman <> [09-08-03 23:09]:
> On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:22 PM, Grant<> wrote:
> > I know Linux systems aren't supposed to become fragmented, but I've
> > also read that it can happen eventually.  I'm on ext3.  I've read that
> > ext4 will have a defragmenter but that it doesn't have one yet.
> It's not that they aren't supposed to become fragmented, it is that
> they try to avoid it. There is a big difference, and things like
> streaming writes (downloads, bittorrents, etc) can cause extreme
> fragmentation.
> The time-honored way of fixing this is "backup, delete, restore". In
> my case my simple defragmenter is to move a file to tmpfs and then
> move it back to the hard drive. I always do this to files I'm about to
> burn to a CD/DVD to ensure the read speed is optimal.
> > Has anyone tried the shake defragmenter?
> Yes, nothing has blown up yet. :)


does anyone know a source of information -- except reading the C-source
of shake itsself -- what the meaning of the different columns of 

    shake -pvv <dir>

are ?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!

Have a nice weekend!

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