Stroller <> [09-07-26 10:46]:
> On 26 Jul 2009, at 05:35, wrote:
> >Current status:
> >WebCam...
> >I cannot get above 10...15fps with reasonable resolutions
> >like 640x480 or 800x600. Even 320x240 gives me only 10...15fps.
> >And the stream get really jurky when recorded.
> >
> >Before I buy again a camera, which is _/said/_ to work with linux
> >with 25 fps at at least 640x480 and fails to do so:
> >I need a WebCam with good image quality to watch/record birds.
> >Since theese are fast animals :) framerates of 10...15fps are
> >no option.
> >
> >Is there anyone out there, who owns a WebCam, which definetly
> >_works_ with a resolution of at least 640x480 and 25fps or above
> >and which has a good image quality under a recent linux?
> What else do you have on the USB bus?
> AIUI the Playstation "Eye" camera is pretty good quality - certainly 
> looks that way to me - and is known for pretty much maxing out the bus 
> it's on. I believe it will suffer if it's plugged into a USB hub, or if 
> anything else is plugged into the same USB bus - AIUI this may even 
> include the adjacent USB port on the back of the PC.
> That camera appears to be about the same sort of resolution as the one 
> you're talking about, so you may find the same issues affect you:
> You also need to be sure your USB ports are of the current generation, 
> and not the older slower type.
> It is rather a shame that firewire was less successful - I appreciate 
> the cheapness & ubiquity of USB, but AIUI firewire does not suffer from 
> quite the same bandwidth issues.
> You can pick up these Playstation "Eye" cameras for about £20 or £25, 
> although you may find the angle of view a little wide for birdwatching.
> Stroller.

Thank you for your reply, Scroller!
I used usbview to check for the kind of connection to the camera:
480 MBit/s (HighSpeed).
The bus the cam is using is not used by anything else...

Sometimes it completly locks up an gstreamer, which is used by cheese,
sends its test-picture...

There NO technical specifications in the booklet of the cam.

I wonder why...

What's about the pictire quality of the Playstation "Eye" Cam,
Scroller? Ok? Good? Better? Best??? ;)))


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