On Fri, July 3, 2009 21:56, Sebastian Beßler wrote:
> Jesús Guerrero schrieb:
>> I really advice to stay in .28 if you are going to use fglrx.
> That is exactly what the ebuild says after building with a kernel >2.6.28
> "Kernels newer then 2.6.28 are heavily patched and might result in
> runtime failitures." "Consider them as unsupported by us."
> "All bug reports are needed to be tested with 2.6.28 kernel"
> Besides your bleat here doesn't help at all.
> Nobody here on the list has any power to change the way the
> ati-developers release there drivers or which kernels are supported.
> If you always want to run the latest kernel a videocard from ati or
> nvidia maybe isn't the right for you.

True. But that's irrelevant to the thread, we are talking about
fglrx here.

I was merely responding to a post that, to say the least, was full
of inaccuracies (to say the least, I repeat).

Or should I just shut up and let spread misinformation just to be

Jesús Guerrero

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