On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 19:53:38 +0200
Florian Philipp <li...@f_philipp.fastmail.net> wrote:

> eselect maintains a list of all enabled python slots and a primary one,
> not just the primary one like now. If nothing else is specified, every
> program uses this primary python version (just like now). Portage
> installs or symlinks all files which end up in the site-packages
> directory in the respective directories for every python slot enabled by
> eselect.

Many packages use C libs, linked against specific version of python.so
library, so running it with another python version than it was compiled
with will yield unpredictable results - it might work for 2.4-2.5 but
I'm pretty sure it won't for 2.6-3.1.

Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net

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