Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
On Sonntag 07 Juni 2009, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
Hazen Valliant-Saunders wrote:
Good Day;
ati-drivers fails to emerge; foolowed the somewhat out of date doc's
There doesn't exist a Catalyst for Linux release yet that support kernel
2.6.29. Even if you install the latest version (9.5), it won't work.
it works with a patch.
everything you need can be found in bugzilla.
The patch results in the driver issuing a warning about "kernel data
malformed/corrupted" (something like that, but sounds pretty serious) at
a rate of about a dozen per second (check with dmesg). After a few
hours, it locks up. Also, the log files grow out of proportions due to
the warning flood.