Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
On Mittwoch 27 Mai 2009, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
Protip: arrow keys, left, right.
Nah, that just doesn't cut it.  It's annoying as hell.  It's far less
annoying to simply "equery uses" on the USE flags you see during an
"emerge -a" and edit make.conf by hand instead of doing the
scroll-circus.  You try to read text by constantly scrolling right and
left.  It doesn't work for me, and probably for the majority of others

oh yeah, scrolling for a tenth of a second is so much slower than feeding equery or euse and then open make.conf, type, check that you did not forget something ....

In fact, it is. That lack of word-wrapping is the major reason it sucks for me.

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