On Sun, 24 May 2009 11:08:40 +0200
Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sunday 24 May 2009 00:08:50 Jorge Morais wrote:
> > On Sat, 23 May 2009 03:51:40 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> > Now, I do have concerns about your system having remains of multiple
> > python installations.
> >
> > Any person with python knowledge can give an opinion on whether this
> > is dangerous? And what is the easiest way to clean the mess?
> >
> > One idea: you can can recompile python with a safe
> > prefix (such as a subdir of your home), issue make install (not as root,
> > for increased safety) and see where Python install its files relative to
> > the prefix, so you can delete them from your system
> > (to be more careful before deleting a file, you can issue
> > qfile <FILE> to see if it is owned by a portage-installed package.
> > And in the end you can emerge python properly, from the sources, so all
> > the ebuild logic (which is more than just ./configure, make and make
> > install) gets applied, and you get a Python installation that respects your
> > USE flags, CFLAGS and other system-specific settings (obviously you don't
> > get such a system-customized python when you use the binary package from
> > tinderbox).
> make/install with --prefix /usr/local/
> That's what it's there for.
You seem to be suggesting what he *should have done*
The point is, he has already installed multiple (at least 3.0.1 and 2.6.2)
vanilla ("fresh" from http://www.python.org/download/releases/)
python versions manually (with
./configure -with-fpectl -infodir=/usr/share/info/ -mandir=/usr/share/man
make install prefix=/usr
and then he tried emerge -va python

He followed instructions from this damn blog

I fear that his system is now a mess, with remains of multiple python versions.
I suggested a idea for how to clean it up (read the quoted text above,
starting with "One idea:")

Anyway, some conclusions:
- The blog solution seems to be a quite bad one, for multiple reasons.
- A better and easier solution would be to install a binary package from
tinderbox. I think he wouldn't even have to extract the tarball manually
with tar; he can use qmerge from portage-utils (written in C AFAIK); I'm
not sure, haven't used qmerge so far

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