On Mon, 4 May 2009 13:11:02 +0100
Matt Causey <matt.cau...@gmail.com> wrote:


> Along the same lines, how does the ebuild know what to remove on
> --unmerge?  For example I'm wandering around and looking at ebuilds:
> prometheus ethtool # pwd
> /usr/portage/sys-apps/ethtool
> prometheus ethtool # ls
> ChangeLog  Manifest  ethtool-6.ebuild  metadata.xml
> prometheus ethtool #
> I see nothing in that ebuild which describes the files that ethtool
> put on the system.  Yet an --unmerge removes the binaries and
> source....interesting.
> So I found a CONTENTS file:
> prometheus ethtool-6 # pwd
> /var/db/pkg/sys-apps/ethtool-6
> prometheus ethtool-6 # cat CONTENTS
> dir /usr
> dir /usr/sbin


Another way to check which files are installed by a given package
and to which package a given file belongs.

emerge app-portage/portage-utils (if you haven't already)


~ $ qlist ethtool
~ $

~ $ qfile ethtool
sys-apps/ethtool (/usr/sbin/ethtool)
~ $

~ $ qlist nvidia-drivers | grep /lib/modules
~ $


Best regards,

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