I _remember_ doing this just a few days ago, so I'm not doing it again... but 
why is it still throwing a warning? Is this a limitation of portage or the 

WARN: postinst
/usr/lib/cups exists - You need to remerge every ebuild that
installed into /usr/lib/cups and /etc/cups, qfile is in portage-utils:
# FEATURES=-collision-protect emerge -va1 $(qfile -qC /usr/lib/cups /etc/cups | 
sed "s:net-print/cups$::")
FEATURES=-collision-protect is needed to overwrite the compatibility
symlinks installed by this package, it won't be needed on later merges.
You should also run revdep-rebuild

Did they forget to tell me what to do so that the warning stops? '-)

Is it possible that it's necessary to re-emerge all those packages on every 
cups *ebuild* update?


 |\  /|        |   |          ~ ~  
 | \/ |        |---|          `|` ?
 |    |ichael  |   |iggins    \^ /

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