On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 10:20:34 +1000
Beau Henderson <b...@thehenderson.com> wrote:

> I was playing around with a few non-essential packages the other day
> using -march=native -v on my core2 duo ( configured with
> CHOST="i686-pc-linux-gnu" ) and noticed that GCC set the -march=core2
> rather than what is typically suggested on the 3rd party wiki ( which
> is to use prescott ). According to the GCC docs, the core2 option
> includes instructions for x86_64 but would this be ultimately ignored
> seeing as the CHOST is set to i686 or would these instructions bloat
> the  resulting binaries or could they result in conflicts of some sort
> down the line ?

AFAIK they should be harmlessly ignored - if produced machine code will
contain them, it'll just break as soon as cpu gets down to them.

Besides, they are useless for program which works with 32-bit registers
and data, so there should be no point to insert them anywhere in x86

Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net

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