090420 Liviu Andronic wrote:
> I stumbled on several posts [1] [2] concerning start-up speed of Linux.
> Compared with the 5-17 secs posted in the posts, my (slightly old) Gentoo
> needs around two minutes from power button to DE idle.

It will all depend on your hardware & precise start-up procedure.

I have a regular desktop box with Asus P5K-VM mobo + Intel Core 2 Duo :
Bios takes  10 s , Linux start-up (Lilo screen to login prompt)  25 s
& after 'startx' KDE 3.5.10 takes  25 s  incl  10  apps ;
Fluxbox takes  6 s , but I have to start the apps by hand
(which is very quick if you assign them to Alt-Fn keys).

Start-up time is not that important for a desktop machine,
which its user typically starts once/day while making coffee etc.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
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TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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