On Tuesday 14 April 2009 14:50:37 Stroller wrote: > I find Exposé immensely useful on my Mac and I love the "genie" effect > when maximising & minimising windows; I can imagine a cool animation > when using virtual desktops on Linux. But clearly you're talking about > something more than that, because that ain't a whole new paradigm. > Could you possibly explain - or provide some pointers to - what I'm > missing, please?
The juicy bits are in the developer's blogs, and the official kde website is (understandably) conservative and understated. I'm busy with work atm, if I remember to do it later I'll dig up some links for you. Admittedly, the state of KDE-4 right at this moment in time is still mostly a traditional desktop with fancy effects and plasmoids. Much like Vista actually. The possibilities are just that - still possibilities. There's a few keywords to start a search with - nepomuk, sematic desktop, solid. And maybe James can toss in some of his real world experiences with Qt4 and video -- alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com