Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 8:41 AM, Dale <> wrote:
>> Justin wrote:
>>> Peter Ruskin schrieb:
>>>> Well, I did the upgrade at last, with -hal and my proven
>>>> xorg-config, and the result is unusable.  I use kde-3.5.9 and the
>>>> mouse doesn't work right - right-click has no effect and
>>>> single-right-click works a double-click.
>>>> 'demerge' came to the rescue and now I'm happily back with
>>>> xorg-server-
>>> Any reason to use -hal?
>> Probably so it would work again.  I did the same thing but my GUI
>> started crashing so I downgraded xorg to get back to something that works.
>> OP, I'm with you on not liking the new xorg.  It should look something
>> like this.  ++++++++++++1.  ;-)
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-)
> There's a lot of us voting ++++++++++++1 today I think.
> How do things like this go stable when they aren't stable, tested and
> not causing problems. (rhetorical...)
> - Mark

I'm not a dev by any means but this is my thoughts.  Before releasing
xorg-server, update the xorgcfg or xorgconfig commands to deal with a
lot of this, at least get you to where you have a basic keyboard and
mouse.  You may not be able to scroll for instance but you can click and
such.  Then people can restart their GUI and know that they can at least
have the keyboard and mouse.  This may could be done with eselect or
something too.  I think since it is a xorg thing, they should be able to
do this themselves.

I have heard a LOT of people complaining about how complicated the hal
.fdi files are.  Those need to be explained a lot more too.  Also, most
of those files should be included in hal and well tested.  They should
also be named in such a way that people can figure them out from a
console for example.  I know I didn't have the benefit of a GUI when I
was going through all this mess. 

I suspect that with a few more weeks of people fine tuning this, it
would have been much easier.  Right now, since I can't ssh in or
anything, I'm not even considering trying it again.

Just my thoughts.


:-)  :-)

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