On Sunday 05 April 2009 15:43:40 Saphirus Sage wrote: > I would usually consider it unwise to attempt a Gentoo installation > without access to the handbook and any other online resource (Google). > If a user is actually wondering what flags they need to enable, simply > checking wikipedia would suffice in most cases. Gentoo, as someone > pointed out earlier, seems to opperate in a manner that requires > individuals to have certain pre-requisites in their competence with > computers, if they wanted it simple and to just "work" without any > real modifications to conf filed, they would go with a *buntu.
One may have quite broad experience of administration of other Linuxes and yet still have little idea of what detailed configuration is needed in a Gentoo system. And it's often impractical to go surfing the Web while up to one's ears in a Gentoo installation. What's needed at that time is just what is promised by the installation docs: "A full description on the available USE flags can be found on your system in /usr/portage/profiles/use.desc." It's fashionable to sneer at others' ignorance on this list (well, in this thread anyway), but we all have to start somewhere. -- Rgds Peter