Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Thursday 02 April 2009 06:16:37 Mike Kazantsev wrote:
>> On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 22:43:21 -0500
>> Dale <> wrote:
>>>> KH <gentoo-user <at>> writes:
>>>>> Q: Why is top-posting evil?
>>>>> A: .backwards read don't humans because
>>> OK.  Everyone that hates top posting please reply with a +1.  I'll start.
>>> +1  No top posting please.
>> I think that whole top-posting topic is getting just ridiculous in this
>> list. Prehaps we should rename it to "bottom-posting guidelines" list,
>> or something like that.
> Oh that's easy to fix.
> Just do what the majority of people here with a clue want. Don't top post.
> Except Blackberry users, they can't avoid it.

It's funny, when I first came here, people explained to me the
"unwritten rules" for the list.  From what I have seen since, those same
rules apply to all the other mailing lists I have seen.  I didn't
understand it then but after having to follow a post that bounces from
bottom to top then back to the bottom and then back to the top again, I
understand it very well.  While I hate scrolling to the bottom on
occasion, I also hate having to scroll back and forth several times too.

Over time, I agree with bottom posting.  It just makes sense.  I do top
post when mailing with friends or something since those discussions are
usually short but some problems here can require anywhere from half a
dozen to several dozen replies and multiple people to get them fixed. 
Then it can become a serious issue.

I do agree with the blackberry and some other devices that can't help
it.  We just use a shorter tree to hang them.  LOL  :-D  Mind your toes. 


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  I wonder if anyone here remembers when I first came here?  <
scratches head >

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