On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 7:07 PM, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> Paul, you will be relieved to know that I braved up and installed the
> 1205sa card on a windows machine... updated driver which may have been
> a waste of time and flashed both Base BIOS and SATA_raid BIOS.
> Apparently this card has a BIOS that is in 2 parts or maybe each on it
> own chip. Their are 2 on the card.
> I didn't hold out much hope but it worked just fine with that done.
> No need for jumpers ... it just works.
> Some might think its a waste to go with the 1.5GB of `sata I' but the
> card is PCI anyway.  I'm not sure how much of a bottleneck that is but
> I suspect that would get in the way before 1.5gb does.
> This server is on a home lan so not going to get an industrial
> workout anyway.
> I'm a happy camper even though I jumped the gun and ordered a Sil3114
> off ebay, I'm pretty sure I'll use it sooner or later.
> You have been very patient and helpful ... I really do appreciate
> that.  Thanks.

Great news! As far as 1.5 vs 3.0, the drive cannot physically get
anywhere near that fast so it probably won't make any difference. I
had a 320GB drive that came with the 1.5 mode jumpered from the
factory, and didn't even realize it for about six months. Once I
noticed and changed it, there was absolutely no speed difference. I
just got the satisfaction of seeing "3.0" in dmesg instead of "1.5".

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