On Mar 28, 2009, at 9:42 PM, ABCD <en.a...@gmail.com> wrote:

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Simon wrote:
Hi there,
 this must be simple (it always is) but I can't figure out by myself.
I have one of the first eeepc (4gb) and when issuing `shutdown -h
now` the computer shutdown perfectly but forgets to cut the current.
I have to press the power button 4 sec to cut it manually.

 I'm recompiling the kernel almost as often as I breathe and i wonder
if I'm not missing some steps (during or after)...  I have acpi
installed and init.d/acpi is started.  acpi support was compiled in
kernel and i tried with and without the CONFIG_ACPI_ASUS with no
difference.  I'm using kernel 2.6.24 (for several drivers that are
most compatible with this one).  I have almost the same install on 2
different PCs (with obvious tweakings in kernel options and /etc) and
the most recent one shuts down correctly, the older one does the same
thing as my eeepc...

 When recompiling the kernel, I do: make && make modules_install;
then I recompile the drivers i have and install them, is there
anything else i should recompile, like should i re-emerge acpi?

 Also, I dont think it's related but, when doing 'startx', after,
when shutting down, the console screen doesnt update and is stuck on
the x11 and fvwm2 messages... it doesnt show the progress, any ideas?
(this is secondary though)

Thanks in advance guys!

This probably isn't the problem, but try doing `shutdown -hP now`, and
see if that works - if it does, then there probably is a configuration
issue somewhere (but I'm not sure where that would be...).

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I always use "shutdown now -hP" or it won't power down. I just figured that was standard.

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