On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 11:08 +0100, KH wrote: > Michael Sullivan schrieb: > > A week ago I got in a 1 TB external hard drive. I set it up for use > > with MythTV. It worked fine. So now I wanted to turn the old myth > > partition into my /home filesystem. I reformatted it (mke2fs > > -j /dev/sda6), I mounted it on /mnt/floppy and moved my directories > > in /home over to it, then unmounted it, mounted it on /home and logged > > in. Now almost every time I do anything I get a notice saying that > > gnome-settings-daemon has crashed. I don't even kwow if it will let me > > send this email, but I've attached the bug report. Please somebody help > > me! > > > > > Pleas try an name your mails. This maes it a lot easyer to support you > an to ind answers if somebody is searching for the same problem in the > futur. > > Subect could be: /home - gnome-settings-daemon has crashed > > kh >
I did originally, but as I had to send it three different times and my message body wouldn't copy and paste correctly, I guess one went through that didn't have a subject line. It would help if gmail would show me the mails that I send in to mailing lists...