On Sat, 2009-03-21 at 19:39 +0100, Jarry wrote:
> I remember having lvm2 a few years ago, and despite of that I could not
> extend any partition, which was being used. What is then lvm2 good for,
> if I can not extend partitions on-the-fly? I can not unmount /usr before
> extending...
This is filesystem (and OS) dependent. I use XFS for all my partitions,
because one of the nice thing about it is, that it can grow filesystems
when they are mounted. I think this is possible with ext3 too, but I did
not test it.
Even under heavy load it is a matter of seconds to grow a XFS FS in a

> And one more counter-argument: with traditional partitions I can select
> where a certain partition is (physically). Those partitions accessed
> frequently I put to the beginning of the disk with higher transfer-rate.
> In my case, it makes quite difference:
In my experience more (human and up-) time is lost in
backup-reboot-repartition-format-restore-reboot than in some iowait.


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