On Mon, 2 Mar 2009 18:31:41 -0800
Michael Higgins <li...@evolone.org> wrote:

> Still no luck here, as this is new to me. Really, I'm lost on the
> process... figured it would just work, which it does, except that I
> don't have number keys... on either keyboard. So, why is *that*?
> What should I be trying to do next?

If xev (x11-apps/xev) shows generated events and a keycodes when you
press these keys (on either KB), you can bind them for any purpose you
wish (including KP_*) via xmodmap (x11-apps/xmodmap). Just hack
together an ~/.xmodmaprc file, looking like this:

  keycode 100 = KP_4
  keycode 102 = KP_6
  keycode 98 = KP_8
  keycode 104 = KP_2

and add 'xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc' line to some X/WM init script.
Note that the keycodes probably won't be the same for you, but you can
get them from xev output.

Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net

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