> But that would only allow you to have two kernels laying around.  Right
> now I have these:
> r...@smoker / # ls /boot/bzImage-2*
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2355440 Jan 31 18:52 /boot/bzImage-2-28-r8-1
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2460088 Jan  2 20:13 /boot/bzImage-2.6.23-r8-7
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2288336 Dec 30 07:49 /boot/bzImage-2.6.27-r7-1

In the general config you can add a suffix. I
use a two-letter extension that goes up with each
installed version on the specific machine (never
reached past 26**2 but I could go to three letters).

That leaves you with bzImage-2.6.27.aa, bzImage-2.6.27.ab,
bzImage-2.6.28.ac, etc. At that point you can either put
them all into your menu.lst or just hack the command line
in grub to get an older kernel.

Q: How often do you really need to go back more than one

If you have one especially clean, stable kernel for
disaster recovery just name it "stable" and have
two hard-wired entries for the vmlinuz and 'stable'.

Steven Lembark                                            85-09 90th St.
Workhorse Computing                                 Woodhaven, NY, 11421
lemb...@wrkhors.com                                      +1 888 359 3508

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