Paul Hartman wrote:
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:52 AM, Rodolphe Rocca <> wrote:
reQuiem23 wrote:
Hi all,
i just had the idea to make a new ext4 partition (via mkfs.ext4) and copy
(cp) my whole root-dir into that new partition, change the /etc/fstab, add
an entry to the grub.conf and booting into that new partition. My /boot is
on a separate ext3 partition, so this is not a problem. The kernel i use
gentoo-sources 2.6.28-r1 with ext4-support enabled. However, when i want
boot into my new system, the system starts, even the uvesafb starts, but
than the booting process stops with a message like "tty starting" and the
system reboots.
I removed all the files in /proc /dev and /sys, so probably this could be
the cause of the problem. Or does anyone have an idea what could be the
problematic factor here? unfortunately i can't provide any logging
information because i can't get to a working shell :(
grub is not compatible with ext4
# ChangeLog for sys-boot/grub
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/grub/ChangeLog,v 1.110
2009/01/02 01:51:05 robbat2 Exp $
*grub-0.97-r9 (02 Jan 2009)
02 Jan 2009; Robin H. Johnson <> +grub-0.97-r9.ebuild:
Ext4 funtime for grub-0.97 series. Remember to reinstall it in your MBR.
Great. Last time I checked was... probably before jan, the 2th ;-)