On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 12:22:17AM +0100, Penguin Lover Volker Armin Hemmann 
> On Mittwoch 21 Januar 2009, Willie Wong wrote:
> >   Recently when I quit the X server, the following can be seen in the
> >   sys log:
> >
> > Jan 20 18:06:34 e-nibbles mtrr: no MTRR for e8000000,2000000 found
> >
> >   and on the TTY where I issued X init, a similar message is shown,
> >   but the message is not echoed in /var/log/Xorg.0.log
> >
> don't do it. Just don't do that. It should not be necessary. Instead look at 
> the mtrr cleanup options in make menuconfig.

Sorry, but this does not help. I have that after I terminate X, the
following line on the console:

error setting MTRR (base = 0xe8000000, size = 0x02000000, type = 1) Invalid 
argument (22)

and the following

e-nibbles wwong # dmesg | tail -n 5
pci 0000:01:00.0: putting AGP V2 device into 4x mode
[drm] Setting GART location based on new memory map
[drm] Loading R200 Microcode
[drm] writeback test succeeded in 1 usecs
mtrr: no MTRR for e8000000,2000000 found
e-nibbles wwong # zgrep -i mtrr /proc/config.gz
e-nibbles wwong # uname -a
Linux e-nibbles #2 Thu Jan 22 14:28:04 EST 2009 i686 Intel(R) 
Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

Is there anything I misconfigured? 

Any other ideas?


"And wow! Hey! What's this thing coming towards me very 
fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a 
big wide sounding word like... ow... ound... round... 
ground! That's it! That's a good name - ground!
I wonder if it will be friends with me?" 

- For the sperm whale, it wasn't. 
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