Dale wrote:
Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
Dale wrote:
I would assume I don't have evdev here.  Since I asked equery for
anything with dev in it, it should have listed it if it was
installed. That is why I ask if there was something new.  I can't say
that I have
ever heard of evdev before.
For X, it's the x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev package.  The driver uses
the in-kernel "event interface" driver for keyboard and mouse.  It's
in "Device Drivers->Input device support->Event interface".  You need
to configure it in xorg.conf to use it.

So in other words, you don't have it ;)

Is this required for the new kernels?  If not, why does it work in the
old ones and not the new ones?  Why is something not informing us it is
needed would be a good question as well.  I'll make sure the new kernel
has that tho when I test it.  Just in case.

It's not needed nor required. It's just a different driver. I'm not sure, but I think the point of this driver is for X to support autodetected input devices. If you remove all sections for keyboard and mouse from your x.org conf, then it will autodetect them and use evdev. This must be part of the plan to get rid of xorg.conf entirely; if you delete xorg.conf, X should autodetect everything (it's not there yet I guess, but comes close.)

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