Harry Putnam wrote:
Ian Lee <i...@leehouse.eclipse.co.uk> writes:
1) net.eth1 problem
There is a udev hook for starting net.* init scripts,
/lib/udev/rules.d/90-network.rules to be precise
The script is very brief
There is no mention of net.eth1 in that script
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", RUN+="net.sh %k start"
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="net.sh %k stop"
Further it says not edit this script since it gets overwritten on
Apparently this is not the place to alter what happens at runlevels.
2) Openrc problem
I'm asuming here the openrc problems are from a recent upgrade you
have done and not inslalled the the runlevels required sadly they are
not done automatically. Have a look in /usr/share/openrc/runlevels
these are needed for openrc to work copy any that don't exist in
/etc/runlevels most important are sysinit and shutdown, boot and
default are likey to be fine
They are all present in /etc/runlevels.
And again I see no reference to net.eth1 or hwclock
that udev rule starts any found network devices on your system net.sh is
just a wrapper to the net.* scripts in init.d, if you never use eth1
then remove net.eth1 from /etc/init.d.