On Saturday 27 December 2008, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> Norberto Bensa wrote:

> > Why? Does Gentoo forget how to do something? Why can't you just "set and
> > forget" your Gentoo boxes?
> Gentoo is difficult to install.  

Well, it's not really difficult - but it takes awfully longer than running a 
binary distro install.

> Also, if it's left un-updated for 
> longer periods of time, it tends to break on the next update.  

Yep, that's the case sometimes even if you update regularly.

> I guess 
> that's the downside of being versionless.  Debian on the other hand, due
> to it being versioned, doesn't have that problem.

Hmm ... so then, how would you upgrade from one version of Debian to another?  
I tried to do something like that with Ubuntu and the darn thing never booted 
again!  Had to wipe the drive clean and reinstall.

> >> Another reason I
> >> didn't put Gentoo on the server is because everyone would start spamming
> >> the forums about lag when I emerge -u world while they're getting frags
> >> in Counter-Strike :P
> >
> > set PORTAGE_NICENESS=19 in /etc/make.conf
> I'll just hay "ah, ah, ah" at that one :P  OK, I'll also say that it
> doesn't work.  Everything lags even with 19.

Is that measurable?

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