On 2008-12-26, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Grant Edwards wrote:
>> The Wiki page on Qemu says 
>>    "To test if kqemu is correctly installed, run info kqemu. If
>>     it returns kqemu support: enabled for user and kernel code,
>>     your installation is correct."
>> On my installation 'info kqemu' runs the Gnu info utility,
>> which doesn't seem to know anything about kqemu.  What "info"
>> program is the Wiki talking about, and where does one get it?
> I would assume you are talking about something like a man page.

No, I don't think so.  I _have_ the Gnu info program and the man
page for qemu.  kqemu doesn't come with a man page (it's a
kernel module).  I think the "info" in question is something
different than the usual "info" program.

> Usually you get those by installing the package.  Example, if
> I wanted the man page for apache, I would need to install
> apache to get it.  Of course, you can also google for it if
> you are just curious.
> It sounds like the package is not installed if I understand
> this correctly.

Both the kqemu and qemu packages are installed.

Apparently "run info kqemu" refers to somthing other than the
Gnu info program, but I don't know what.


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