On Wednesday 26 November 2008 07:05:39 Dale wrote:
> I'm not expecting a answer but along the lines of a viewpoint in a
> question form.  Why is it that smart, I mean seriously smart, people
> have the worst social skills?  They can invent a super fast CPU, memory
> chip, hard drive some new chemical, or some other ingenious thing but
> can't say a kind word if you give them a double dose of Prozac.
> Sort of strange huh?


It's not that smart people have zero social skills. Smart people have the same 
spread of social skills as average and dumb people.

Some smart people do not suffer fools gladly and they rise to prominence 
whereas others just act like everyone else and you do not especially note 
this fact. Smart people who work with machines get to be very good at it, but 
machines don't talk back. Some smart folk take to talking to people the way 
they talk to machines and this is noteworthy. Again, you do not take note of 
the majority that do not do this.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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