Am Sonntag, 16. November 2008 18:24:17 schrieb Michael Higgins:
> On Sat, 15 Nov 2008 02:01:54 +0100
> Michele Schiavo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > /etc/sudoers ??
> I think I'm trying to avoid running under sudo. Yes, that works, but must
> have other security implications?

Which ones? You know that you can restrict what users can do under sudo in a 
very fine grained manner (for example: user johndoe can run /bin/ls as user 
root, but only with options -l and -a).

> In researching the problem, the workaround I posted was cribbed from other
> distros which have a 'shadow' group. This is why I posted here, to see if
> this is common (as I now suspect), why isn't it used in Gentoo?

Because it would be stupid? The reason why /etc/shadow is only readable by 
root is to refuse access to the encrypted passwords to make brute force 
attacks on them impossible. Otherwise you could leave them in /etc/passwd.

> Ultimately, the apache:apache user will be running this code. I expect to
> have to add apache to the group shadow to be able to use the app. I don't
> want apache in the sudoers file, nor do I think it'd solve the problem,
> since my user is in the sudoers file but only can access /etc/shadow when
> running under sudo. I don't see this as a way to launch my webserver..??

You could put the code that needs to access /etc/shadow into a separate CGI 
script and configure sudo so that user apache can only run this single script 
as root and only when it comes from a specific path and has specific options.



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