My MythTV Gentoo box has recently started having issues recording sound.
The TV tuner re-plays audio through the "mic" interface on my soundcard.
It has worked for months, but now MythTV can't read anything from /dev/dsp.

Any device that uses ALSA directly seems to work fine (like TVTime which
plays TV with audio just fine) - only those that rely on /dev/dsp seem to
have trouble.  My simple test shows this:

# cat /dev/dsp > /dev/null
cat: /dev/dsp: Input/output error

This was run as root.  Perms are fine:

crw-rw---- 1 root audio 14, 3 2008-10-03 08:56 /dev/dsp

Myth user is in audio group (always has been).  

Has something changed in ALSA that I didn't catch?  I don't see anything in
my logs or dmesg that shows a problem.  My /etc/asound.conf is as follows:
pcm.nforce-hw {
        type hw
        card 0
pcm.!default {
        type plug
        slave.pcm "nforce"
pcm.nforce {
        type dmix
        ipc_key 1234
        ipc_perm 0660
        slave {
                pcm "hw:0,0"
                period_time 0
                period_size 1024
                buffer_size 4096
                #rate 44100
                rate 48000
ctl.nforce-hw {
        type hw
        card 0

I have tried without this asound.conf and see the same issue.

// Andrew MacKenzie  |
// GPG public key:
// I've touch'd the highest point of all my greatness;
// And from that full meridian of my glory
// I haste now to my setting.  I shall fall,
// Like a bright exhalation in the evening
// And no man see me more.
//                 -- Shakespeare

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