> Good digging around :). So this is a python bug then? Or does portage need
> to be update for some change that went into python? Actually, is this really
> even a bug...its just a minor cosmetic problem really.
One's bug is another's feature.
libc in uname is honestly WTF but this begs the real question: why
doesn't portage (emerge and repoman to be specific) simply get the
output of uname -a ? It's not written in C, you don't have to mess
around with 5-6 fd's to get the needed data.

And I think that this is both a design bug and a red herring.

By the way, should I make a bug report with a patch to remove this issue?
Making it selectable via FEATURES requires more digging around in portage.
Andrey Vul

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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