I only use the standard emerge utility. I can't access the system at the moment 
since I'm at work. I was hoping to have some ideas to try out tonight.

I believe my cron job just does a straight call to "emerge --sync" (e.g. no 
wrapping script, etc.); and it runs sometime between midnight and 6 AM. (Can't 
recall off hand.)
But - per gentoo portage protocol - it only runs once a day, no more.

And I am only referring to the time specified in the "calculating dependencies" 
stage when one first runs "emerge world -vuDNp".

I'll see if I have the space available to move portage on/off the partition it 
is on and see if that improves things; it is an ext3 partition that it is on.


----- Original Message ----
From: Daniel Pielmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 9:36:23 AM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Emerge takes a long time calculating dependencies...

2008/9/18 BRM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> And syncing portage is done nightly using a cron job to do "emerge --sync"; 
> however, I run "emerge world -vuDNp" manually.

How often does this cron job run and what are the contents of your
cron script. Do you use "emerge --sync" or probably "eix-sync". I am
asking this because if you sync to often and you use eix-sync the
portage cache is deleted in advantage of the sync and is not recreated
if it fails because of identical timestamps between the local machine
and the rsync server.

So when calling emerge after this the cache has to be created before
and thus it seems dependency calculation takes very long.

> (The system also hosts portage via rsync for my other gentoo system on my 
> network too, which I manually sync against it; I might be adding another 
> system too in the same manner, not sure yet.)
> Ben

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