Iain Buchanan wrote:
pk wrote:
Right now I have a GLSA warning on the european configured one:
200808-12 [N] Postfix: local...
On the other one there is no GLSA warning, although both wants to
upgrade to postfix 2.5.5
how did you run glsa-check? With 'affected', 'all', or 'new'?
"glsa-check -l | grep -i '\[n\]'"
This has been like this for about a week now. Does anyone know why
this difference occurs? I'm just curious...
Have you synced both machines again recently? glsa-check only updates
it's information when you sync portage, so it could be that one rsync
server had the advisory before the other one, and you just synced while
they were different.
Well, just for the sake of it I tried it again (both machines are
sync'ed right now). The "european" shows the GLSA for Postfix. The other
one doesn't show anything.
When I do "emerge --with-bdeps y -DupN world", Portage wishes to upgrade
both machines to Postfix-2.5.5. Strange...
Thanks for answering!
Best regards
Peter K