>>>> Can I configure this so that I don't have the two keys on the same
>>>> system?  I'd like encrypt with my remote system and decrypt with my
>>>> local system.  Is that possible?  It seems like importing my private
>>>> key also imports the public key.
>>> I'm a bit confused as to what you're trying to do.  If you are encrypting
>>> mail to other people, you should be using *their* public key, not your
>>> own.
>>>  The only case where you need your public key is to encrypt mail to
>>> *yourself*; otherwise you don't need either of your keys on the remote
>>> system.
>> Should I delete the private key from the remote system?  It sounds
>> like the public key can always be regenerated from the private key so
>> there's no use in deleting it from the local system.
> Yes to both statements.  Having your private key on the remote system is an
> unnecessary risk, since you don't need it to encrypt data and it's exposed
> to anyone else with access to that system.  And, though I haven't done it,
> GnuPG's docs say that the public key can easily (one gpg command) be
> regenerated from the private key, so you may as well keep it around for
> convenience.

Perfect, thanks everyone.

- Grant

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